For Dealerships

Trade with comfort

Lead Generation

Get maximum exposure with thousands of monthly visitors looking for their perfect vehicle.

Lead Management​

We filter through the noise and only send quality leads to your sales staff

Source & Secure Stock​

Gain access to hundreds of vehicles ready to be sold through our Local & National Sellers Network

Deliveries On Demand

Use our network of Professional SpotaCar drivers to deliver your vehicles nationwide. 

Our Services.

Lead Generation

Leads are a top priority, without them business comes to a full stop. Advertise to thousands of monthly visitors looking for the perfect vehicle and boost your sales with quality leads. SpotaCar provides a Listing Management service at no cost. We’ll upload and update all your vehicle listings for you. 

Lead Management

We filter through the noise so that your sales staff can do what they do best. Our Account Managers will filter through spam, sales calls, Debt Review and ITC leads. Your sales staff will only receive quality leads. 

Source & Secure Stock

Gain access to local sellers and national sellers that wants to sell their vehicle in a hurry. Our Local bidding platform allows you to bid on vehicles in your town or city. Get approved for our National bidding platform and access vehicles all over South Africa. 

Deliveries On Demand

Our team of professional SpotaCar-employed drivers can be booked to deliver your vehicles on demand nationwide. All our drivers can be monitored by the dealership via live GPS tracking and Front, and Back Dash cameras.

Want to Join?

    We connect buyers with trusted dealerships and sellers by initiating the conversation and ultimately ensuring a smooth buying process and excellent customer service. We pride ourselves on bringing buyers the most recent “arrivals” for sale and showcasing one of the largest vehicle listings in the industry.
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